Monday, September 28, 2009

God has been showing me so much lately. I wanted a way for what He has been showing me to come out so that the world can see that God loves them and is still working today! So I have created this blog to share with you, what God is sharing with me. Some of it is personal things that He is showing me in the midst of situations. Some of it will be things that He is showing me so I can tell the world, that we might live for Him in all that we do. I'm not a preacher, and I'm not a teacher. I'm a stay home mom of two, who loves God and wants to please Him, serve Him, and glorify Him in all that I do! I seek Him and His word, and desire to live like no one else; to serve like no one else; to love like no one else; and to give like no one else. God has created you to be you, and He has created you just the way that you are! I have this saying typed out, framed and hanging on my wall so that I will never forget it! "God doesn't want what you are going to be, He wants all that you are Today!" by Darlene Zchech in her book Extravagant Worship. You see, we think as humans that we can't be all that we were created to be. Sometimes we say things like, I need to lose weight. Or I need to have my teeth fixed. Or perhaps, I need to be older, or I'm too old! You are who you are, and God loves you for who you are!!! He can and will use you just the way you are!!!!!!! So take a deep breath, and stand up tall and live like no one else! Live with every step, every breath, every dream, every hope, every choice pointing toward what God has for you, and what Glorifies him! You see, life is the not the mountain standing in your way. Life is not the valley that always comes. Life is the "through" if you live for God while you are going through the valley; if you live for God while you are going up and down that mountain, then you are living the life that you were created to live! It is amazing how God wants to bless you! All you have to do is live life like no one else! You see you are you, and you need to stop apologizing for being you! Find the good, work on the not so good until it becomes part of the good, and breathe. And know that God is who all of this is for!

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