Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just Breathe. What does that mean to you. Said different ways means different things. It can mean chill out, calm down, take a break. I am writing this so that we as women can learn how to master all of this and so much more. I hope and pray that you open your minds, hearts, and souls, take a breath, read and apply. Thanks to all of the women in my life that have taught and lived out this to me. We will start with having breath, after all that is what is needed to breathe. Webster defines breath as -air taken into and let out of the lungs, life, spirit, the time taken by a single respiration, moment. In order for you to fully understand this I need for you to remove all of the hats that we wear as women take them off and breathe. We are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, cleaning ladies... You get the picture so right now stop reading this and write down all of the hats that you are wearing and then take a breath and read as YOU, yourself, all that You are, all that You want to be. Ok now lets learn how to breathe. I am going to break it down for you. Back to Websters definition "the time taken by a single respiration." Well you knew that time was going to be referenced in this so lets start of with it and for once ladies lets really read and apply. Time taken that means for us to breathe we have to take time. That means we have to take time in order to be alive. We breathe to live so now lets live to breathe. Women have tendencies to live for others and neglect themselves. This is one of the biggest mistakes we could be making. So lets wake up breathe and make and make sure that we are healthy. * I started writing this a while ago this is part of my book that I am writing called Just Breathe. Let me know what you think and if you want to hear more!

1 comment:

  1. That's great Jessica! All to often us women become consumed with the "roles" we play in life. It can be become distracting and unhealthy. Let's face it, a healthy woman is a happy woman for herself, her family and others. It is extremely important to make time to breathe and regain a sense of who we really are in ourselves and in the Lord. I am so excited that you have started this blog and look forward to reading your posts. :) Love you girl!
